Weeradech Kiratitanavit1, Sethumadhavan Ravichandran2,Zhiyu Xia1, Jayant Kumar3,4, Ramaswamy Nagarajan1,4,*
Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.1, No.4, pp. 289-301, 2013, DOI:10.7569/JRM.2013.634126
Abstract Globally, certain types of halogenated fl ame retardant additives (FR) are becoming increasingly regulated
or banned from being used in polymers. There is an immediate need for alternative non-toxic thermally
stable polymers and char-forming additives. Development of non-halogenated FR for the commonly used
and highly fl ammable thermoplastics, namely polyolefi ns, is particularly important and challenging. This
research explores the possibility of utilizing char-forming compounds based on polymer of cardanol as an
additive that can lower the heat release capacity (HRC) when blended with polypropylene (PP). Polycardanol
is thermally stable and exhibits moderate HRC upon More >