S. Bartkeviciusa, O. Fiodorovab, A. Knysc, A. Derviniened, G. Dervinisc, V. Raudonisc, A. Lipnickasc, V. Baranauskasc, K. Sarkauskasc, L. Balaseviciusc
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.24, No.2, pp. 241-248, 2018, DOI:10.1080/10798587.2016.1264695
Abstract The paper deals with supervised robot navigation in known environments. The navigation task is divided
into two parts, where one part of the navigation is done by the supervisor system i.e. the system sets the
vector marks on the salient edges of the virtual environment map and guides the robot to reach these
marks. Mobile robots have to perform a specific task according to the given paths and solve the local
obstacles avoidance individually. The salient point’s detection, vector mark estimation and optimal path
calculation are done on the supervisor computer using colored Petri nets. More >