Ning Cao1,2, Shengfang Li1, Keyong Shen1, Sheng Bin3, Gengxin Sun3,*, Dongjie Zhu4, Xiuli Han5, Guangsheng Cao5, Abraham Campbell6
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.61, No.1, pp. 227-241, 2019, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2019.06125
Abstract Monitoring, understanding and predicting Origin-destination (OD) flows in a city is an important problem for city planning and human activity. Taxi-GPS traces, acted as one kind of typical crowd sensed data, it can be used to mine the semantics of OD flows. In this paper, we firstly construct and analyze a complex network of OD flows based on large-scale GPS taxi traces of a city in China. The spatiotemporal analysis for the OD flows complex network showed that there were distinctive patterns in OD flows. Then based on a novel complex network model, a semantics More >