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Search Results (13)
  • Open Access


    Promoting Post-Traumatic Growth in Colorectal Cancer Patients: Exploring the Role of Social Support through a Chain Mediation Model

    Xia Sun1,#, Qin Li1,#, Yang Li2, Wenjun Yan3, Shuai Gong1, Wenjing Yan2,*

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.18, No.3, pp. 233-240, 2024, DOI:10.32604/po.2024.048087

    Abstract Colorectal cancer (CRC) poses significant physical and psychological challenges that necessitate an exploration of factors influencing post-traumatic growth (PTG) for patient well-being. This study aims to investigate the effects of positive psychological capital (PsyCap) and perceived stress on mediating the social support-PTG relation among 673 CRC patients. Social support, positive PsyCap, perceived stress, and PTG were assessed through questionnaires. The results indicated a direct prediction effect of social support on PTG (LICI = 0.481, ULCI = 0.644), with the direct effect being 59.5%. Both positive PsyCap and perceived stress exerted a mediating role in the… More >

  • Open Access


    Tendency to Avoid Physical Activity and Sport: Associations with Weight Stigma, and Psychological Distress in a Two-Wave Longitudinal Study

    Saffari Mohsen1,2,#, Yi-Ching Lin3,#, Po-Ching Huang4, Yu-Ting Huang5, Ru-Yi Huang6,7, Chi Hsien Huang8,9,*, Jung-Sheng Chen10, Wai Chuen Poon11, Mark D. Griffiths12, Chung-Ying Lin5,13,14,15,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.8, pp. 633-641, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.053432

    Abstract Background: Physical inactivity is a major public health problem worldwide that results in physical and mental health problems. One major issue for physical inactivity is weight stigma (WS), especially perceived WS, which could lead to a tendency to avoid physical activity (PA). To better understand the association between perceived WS and PA, knowledge of the likely mediators in this association such as weight bias internalization (WBI) and psychological distress were investigated in the present study. Methods: Using a two-wave longitudinal study and convenient sampling, 388 Taiwanese participants (55% females; mean age = 29.7 years [SD… More >

  • Open Access


    Parental Psychological Control and Internet Gaming Disorder Tendency: A Moderated Mediation Model of Core Self-Evaluation and Intentional Self-Regulation

    Zhiqiao Ji1,2, Shuhua Wei1,*, Hejuan Ding1

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.7, pp. 547-558, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.049867

    Abstract Internet gaming disorder (IGD) among junior high school students is an increasingly prominent mental health concern. It is important to look for influences behind internet gaming disorder tendency (IGDT) in the junior high school student population. The present study aimed to reveal the explanatory mechanisms underlying the association between parental psychological control (PPC) and internet gaming disorder tendency among junior high school students by testing the mediating role of core self-evaluation (CSE) and the moderating role of intentional self-regulation (ISR). Participants in present study were 735 Chinese junior high school students who completed offline self-report… More >

  • Open Access


    The Influence of Preschool Teachers’ Social Skills on Job Burnout: A Moderated Mediation Model

    Yuanqing He*, Xinyue Yu, Yu Xia, Yanhua Cao

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.6, pp. 463-474, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.051909

    Abstract Background: Teacher burnout is a serious issue in the field of education, particularly in early childhood education, where teachers face high levels of work stress and emotional labor, leading to emotional exhaustion and job burnout. However, past research has not sufficiently explored the mechanisms of social skills, empathy, and mindfulness in mitigating teacher burnout. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between preschool teachers’ social skills, empathy, and mindfulness with job burnout, in order to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for reducing teacher burnout. Methods: This research utilized a convenience sampling approach to… More >

  • Open Access


    How Emotion Nurtures Mentality: The Influencing Mechanism of Social-Emotional Competency on the Mental Health of University Students

    Yulei Chen1, Zhaojun Chen1,2, Shichao Wang1, Yang Hang1, Jianpeng Guo1,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.4, pp. 303-315, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.046863

    Abstract Social-Emotional Competency (SEC), regarded as a critical psychological resource for individuals to adapt to social environments, is an effective protective factor for students’ mental health, impacting their future success and well-being. Analyzing the impact of SEC on university students’ mental health can offer valuable insights for nurturing talents with healthy psychological and physical development. Based on data from two large-scale surveys of Chinese university students, this study designed two comprehensive Multiple Mediation Models involving SEC, stress, coping strategies, and stress reaction to explore the pathway of emotion nurturing mentality. Study 1 utilized a parallel mediation model… More >

  • Open Access


    Relationship between Authoritative Parenting Style and Preschool Children’s Emotion Regulation: A Moderated Mediation Model

    Yan Jin, Wei Chen*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.3, pp. 189-198, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2023.045331

    Abstract An authoritative parenting style has been shown to promote children’s emotion regulation in European-American family studies. However, little is known about how sleep problems and the child’s sibling status in Chinese families affect this relationship. Based on family system theory, this study attempts to better understand the relationship between authoritative parenting style and emotion regulation. Mothers of preschool children in Chinese kindergartens completed questionnaires about their children’s sleep habits, their authoritative parenting styles, and children’s emotion regulation. A total of 531 children participated in this study. Results showed that authoritative parenting was positively associated with… More >

  • Open Access


    The Relationship between Internet Addiction and Cyberbullying Perpetration: A Moderated Mediation Model of Moral Disengagement and Internet Literacy

    Wan Xiao1,*, Miaoting Cheng2,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.25, No.12, pp. 1303-1311, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2023.042976

    Abstract Internet addiction and cyberbullying have emerged as significant global mental health concerns in recent years. Although previous studies have shown a close association between Internet addiction and cyberbullying, the underlying mechanisms connecting these two phenomena remain unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal the mechanisms involved between Internet addiction and cyberbullying perpetration from the perspective of cognition function. This study recruited 976 Chinese youth through online survey, using the short version of Internet Addiction Test (s-IAT), Chinese Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (C-CIPQ), Cyberbullying Moral Disengagement Scale (CMDS), and Internet Literacy Questionnaire (ILQ) to investigate the More >

  • Open Access


    A Bifactor Analysis Approach to Construct Validity and Reliability of the Affective Exercise Experience Questionnaire among Chinese College Students

    Ting Wang1, Markus Gerber2, Fabian Herold3, Joseph Bardeen4, Sebastian Ludyga2, Alyx Taylor5, Arthur F. Kramer6,7, Liye Zou1,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.25, No.9, pp. 995-1008, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2023.029804

    Abstract Affective exercise experience as an emerging theoretical concept has great potential to provide a more nuanced understanding of individual factors that influence exercise behavior. However, concerning the Affective Exercise Experiences (AFFEXX) questionnaire, it has not been examined yet whether the structural score of the AFFEXX is a useful index to predict physical activity (refers to any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure). Furthermore, there is currently a gap in knowledge regarding the psychological mechanisms that can explain the relationship between affective exercise experiences and the level of physical activity (PA). In… More >

  • Open Access


    Personality and Nomophobia: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-Esteem and Non-Self-Determined Solitude

    Yuxin Li1, Fengping Yan2, Yixin Zhang1, Man Li1,3,4, Tour Liu1,3,4,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.25, No.6, pp. 767-781, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2023.026969

    Abstract Background: With the development of information technology, mobile phone has brought much convenience to people’s lives but also caused many negative consequences due to excessive use, such as mobile phone addiction and nomophobia. Previous studies have explored the relationship between the Big Five Personality and problematic mobile phone use (PMPU). However, they focus on mobile phone addiction. Although there is a correlation between nomophobia and mobile phone addiction, the psychological structure is different. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the relationship between personality and nomophobia and the underlying mechanism. This study aims to examine the relationship… More > Graphic Abstract

    Personality and Nomophobia: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-Esteem and Non-Self-Determined Solitude

  • Open Access


    The Effects of Job Insecurity, Emotional Exhaustion, and Met Expectations on Hotel Employees’ Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Test of a Serial Mediation Model

    Osman M. Karatepe1,*, Raheleh Hassannia1, Tuna Karatepe1, Constanţa Enea2, Hamed Rezapouraghdam1

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.25, No.2, pp. 287-307, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2022.025706

    Abstract There are a plethora of empirical pieces about employees’ pro-environmental behaviors. However, the extant literature has either ignored or not fully examined various factors (e.g., negative or positive non-green workplace factors) that might affect employees’ pro-environmental behaviors. Realizing these voids, the present paper proposes and tests a serial mediation model that examines the interrelationships of job insecurity, emotional exhaustion, met expectations, and proactive pro-environmental behavior. We used data gathered from hotel customer-contact employees with a time lag of one week and their direct supervisors in China. After presenting support for the psychometric properties of the More >

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