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    The Experimental Simulation Technology and System of Solid Fluidization Exploitation of Marine Non-Diagenetic Natural Gas Hydrate

    Lin Jiang1,*, Na Wei1,*, Jinzhou Zhao1, Shouwei Zhou1,2, Liehui Zhang1, Qingping Li3, Guorong Wang1, Jun Zhao1, Kaisong Wu1

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.21, No.4, pp. 81-83, 2019, DOI:10.32604/icces.2019.04515

    Abstract With huge reserves, marine natural gas hydrate is one of the most potential unconventional alternative energy sources after shale gas, coalbed methane and tight gas. The research and pilot engineering of natural gas hydrate exploitation technology mainly adopts the depressurization method at home and abroad, all of which refer to the exploitation technology of conventional oil and gas.
    While using the depressurization method to exploit the non-diagenetic gas hydrate, the undersea hydrate decomposes in situ, partly flows to the bottom of the well, and escapes into the seawater in large quantities, and the hydrate will face… More >

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