Xiaojun Shi1, Yangyang Li2, *, Haiyong Xie2, 3, Tengfei Yang2, Linchao Zhang2, Panyu Liu4, Heng Zhang4, Zhiyao Liang5
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.62, No.1, pp. 385-398, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.06418
Abstract In today’s datacenter network, the quantity growth and complexity increment of
traffic is unprecedented, which brings not only the booming of network development, but
also the problem of network performance degradation, such as more chance of network
congestion and serious load imbalance. Due to the dynamically changing traffic patterns,
the state-of the-art approaches that do this all require forklift changes to data center
networking gear. The root of problem is lack of distinct strategies for elephant and mice
flows. Under this condition, it is essential to enforce accurate elephant flow detection and
come up with… More >