Yunlong Ma1, Junwei Niu2,*, Bo Xu3, Xingtao Song2, Wei Huang2, Guoqiang Sun2
Energy Engineering, Vol.120, No.3, pp. 681-700, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ee.2023.024719
- 03 January 2023
Abstract In the power distribution system, the missing or incorrect file of users-transformer relationship (UTR) in low-voltage station area (LVSA) will affect the lean management of the LVSA, and the operation and maintenance of the distribution network. To effectively improve the lean management of LVSA, the paper proposes an identification method for the UTR based on Local Selective Combination in Parallel Outlier Ensembles algorithm (LSCP). Firstly, the voltage data is reconstructed based on the information entropy to highlight the differences in between. Then, the LSCP algorithm combines four base outlier detection algorithms, namely Isolation Forest (I-Forest),… More >