Kazuo Umezawa*, Andrzej Breborowicz†, Shamil Gantsev‡
Oncology Research, Vol.28, No.5, pp. 541-550, 2020, DOI:10.3727/096504020X15929100013698
Abstract There have been great advances in the therapy of cancer and leukemia. However, there are still many neoplastic
diseases that are difficult to treat. For example, it is often difficult to find effective therapies for aggressive cancer and leukemia. An NF- B inhibitor named dehydroxymethylepoxyquinomicin (DHMEQ) was discovered in
2000. This compound was designed based on the structure of epoxyquinomicin isolated from a microorganism.
It was shown to be a specific inhibitor that directly binds to and inactivates NF- B components. Until now,
DHMEQ has been used by many scientists in the world to suppress… More >