Guanghui Yu1, Honghui Fan1, Hongyan Zhou1, Tao Wu1, Hongjin Zhu1, *
Journal on Artificial Intelligence, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 125-135, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jai.2020.010501
- 15 July 2020
Abstract When we use traditional computer vision Inspection technology to locate the
vehicles, we find that the results were unsatisfactory, because of the existence of diversified
scenes and uncertainty. So, we present a new method based on improved SSD model. We
adopt ResNet101 to enhance the feature extraction ability of algorithm model instead of
the VGG16 used by the classic model. Meanwhile, the new method optimizes the loss
function, such as the loss function of predicted offset, and makes the loss function drop
more smoothly near zero points. In addition, the new method improves cross entropy More >