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Search Results (2)
  • Open Access


    Image Hiding with High Robustness Based on Dynamic Region Attention in the Wavelet Domain

    Zengxiang Li1, Yongchong Wu2, Alanoud Al Mazroa3, Donghua Jiang4, Jianhua Wu5, Xishun Zhu6,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.141, No.1, pp. 847-869, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.051762

    Abstract Hidden capacity, concealment, security, and robustness are essential indicators of hiding algorithms. Currently, hiding algorithms tend to focus on algorithmic capacity, concealment, and security but often overlook the robustness of the algorithms. In practical applications, the container can suffer from damage caused by noise, cropping, and other attacks during transmission, resulting in challenging or even impossible complete recovery of the secret image. An image hiding algorithm based on dynamic region attention in the multi-scale wavelet domain is proposed to address this issue and enhance the robustness of hiding algorithms. In this proposed algorithm, a secret… More >

  • Open Access


    A Cover-Independent Deep Image Hiding Method Based on Domain Attention Mechanism

    Nannan Wu1, Xianyi Chen1,*, James Msughter Adeke2, Junjie Zhao2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.78, No.3, pp. 3001-3019, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.045311

    Abstract Recently, deep image-hiding techniques have attracted considerable attention in covert communication and high-capacity information hiding. However, these approaches have some limitations. For example, a cover image lacks self-adaptability, information leakage, or weak concealment. To address these issues, this study proposes a universal and adaptable image-hiding method. First, a domain attention mechanism is designed by combining the Atrous convolution, which makes better use of the relationship between the secret image domain and the cover image domain. Second, to improve perceived human similarity, perceptual loss is incorporated into the training process. The experimental results are promising, with More >

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