Ayesha Hoor Chaudhry*, Faisal Bukhari, Waheed Iqbal, Zubair Nawaz, Muhammad Kamran Malik
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.26, No.1, pp. 53-59, 2020, DOI:10.31209/2019.100000149
Abstract Laparoscopic surgery is a relatively new field in developing countries. There is a
scarcity of laparoscopically trained doctors due to a lack of training and
resources available in hospitals. Training and evaluation of medical
professionals to develop laparoscopic surgical skills are important and essential
as it improves the success rate and reduces the risk during real surgery. The
purpose of this research is to develop a series of training exercises based on
virtual reality using HTC Vive headset to emulate real-world training of doctors.
This virtual training not only gives the trainee doctors mastery in More >