Chih-Fang Huang1,*, Ai-Hsien Fan2, Jin-Huang Huang3, Hsing-Cheng Huang3
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.1, pp. 661-673, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.027165
- 06 June 2022
Abstract This study applies the diatonic chord in music theory, utilization rate, and the close relationship between the main chord system, the dominant chord system, and the subordinate chord system. From the perspective of music theory, the computer can automatically and quickly analyze the music, and establish a set of algorithms for configuring the chord accompaniment for the main melody, called the symmetrical circle of fifths algorithm, SCFA (Symmetrical Circle of Fifths Algorithm). SCFA can immediately confirm the key, perform harmony analysis, configure chord accompaniment for the main melody, and effectively and correctly complete any given More >