Haitao Zou*, 1, Yifan He1, Shang Zheng1, Hualong Yu1, Chunlong Hu1
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.115, No.2, pp. 217-231, 2018, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2018.00194
Abstract There are some scenarios that need group recommendation such as watching a movie or a TV series, selecting a tourist destination, or having dinner together. Approaches in this domain can be divided into two categories: Creating group profiles and aggregating individual recommender list. Yet none of the above methods can handle the online group recommendation both efficiently and accurately and these methods either strongly limited by their application environment, or bring bias towards those users having limited connections with this group. In this work, we propose a local optimization framework, using sub-group profiles to compute… More >