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  • Open Access


    The Impact of a Prior Norwood Procedure on Cardiac Transplantation in Failed Fontan Physiology

    Ryan G. McQueen1, Nikki M. Singh2, Ronald K. Woods3,*

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.19, No.3, pp. 257-266, 2024, DOI:10.32604/chd.2024.052108

    Abstract Objective: The objective of this study was to compare cardiac transplant operative and postoperative courses of patients with failed Fontan physiology who were initially palliated with a Norwood (FFN) to those without a prior Norwood (FF). Methods: A single-institution retrospective review of all patients with Fontan failure who underwent cardiac transplantation from 2003–2021 was completed—22 underwent prior Norwood (FFN) and 11 did not (FF). Descriptive and inferential statistics were calculated for operative course and patient outcomes. Results: The operative course of the FFN cohort appeared to be more complex (not statistically significant, but clinically relevant)—this group… More >

  • Open Access


    Frontiers in Fontan failure: Innovation and improving outcomes: A conference summary

    Georges Ephrem1, Camden Hebson2, Anitha John3, Estella Moore4, Maan Jokhadar4, Ryan Ford5, Gruschen Veldtman6, Yoav Dori7, Michelle Gurvitz8,9, Brian Kogon10, Adrienne Kovacs11, Meghan Roswick, Michael McConnell12, Wendy M. Book4, Fred Rodriguez III4,12

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.14, No.2, pp. 128-137, 2019, DOI:10.1111/chd.12685

    Abstract The initial “Frontiers in Fontan Failure” conference in 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia, provided an opportunity for experts in the field of pediatric cardiology and adult congenital heart disease to focus on the etiology, physiology, and potential interventions for patients with “Failing Fontan” physiology. Four types of “Fontan Failure” were described and then published by Dr Book et al. The acknowledgment that even Dr Fontan himself realized that the Fontan proce‐ dure “imposed a gradually declining functional capacity and premature late death after an initial period of often excellent palliation.” The purpose of the second “Frontiers… More >

  • Open Access


    “Frontiers in Fontan failure: A summary of conference proceedings”

    Camden Hebson1,2, Wendy Book1, Robert W. Elder3, Ryan Ford4, Maan Jokhadar1, Kirk Kanter5, Brian Kogon5, Adrienne H. Kovacs6, Rebecca D. Levit1, Michael Lloyd1, Kevin Maher2, Preeti Reshamwala4, Fred Rodriguez III1,2, Rene Romero7, Thor Tejada1, Anne Marie Valente8, Gruschen Veldtman9, Michael McConnell1,2

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 6-16, 2017

    Abstract “Frontiers in Fontan Failure” was the title of a 2015 conference sponsored by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Emory University School of Medicine. In what is hoped to be the first of many such gatherings, speakers and attendees gathered to discuss the problem of long-term clinical deterioration in these patients. Specific focuses included properly defining the problem and then discussing different treatment strategies, both medical and surgical. The health of the liver after Fontan palliation was a particular point of emphasis, as were quality of life and future directions. More >

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