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Search Results (2)
  • Open Access


    Multi-Layer Feature Extraction with Deformable Convolution for Fabric Defect Detection

    Jielin Jiang1,2,3,4,*, Chao Cui1, Xiaolong Xu1,2,3,4, Yan Cui5

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.39, No.4, pp. 725-744, 2024, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2024.036897

    Abstract In the textile industry, the presence of defects on the surface of fabric is an essential factor in determining fabric quality. Therefore, identifying fabric defects forms a crucial part of the fabric production process. Traditional fabric defect detection algorithms can only detect specific materials and specific fabric defect types; in addition, their detection efficiency is low, and their detection results are relatively poor. Deep learning-based methods have many advantages in the field of fabric defect detection, however, such methods are less effective in identifying multi-scale fabric defects and defects with complex shapes. Therefore, we propose… More >

  • Open Access


    An Enhanced Nonlocal Self-Similarity Technique for Fabric Defect Detection

    Boheng Wang1, Li Ma1, Jielin Jiang1,2,*

    Journal of Information Hiding and Privacy Protection, Vol.1, No.3, pp. 135-142, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jihpp.2019.07432

    Abstract Fabric defect detection has been an indispensable and important link in fabric production, many studies on the development of vision based automated inspection techniques have been reported. The main drawback of existing methods is that they can only inspect a particular type of fabric pattern in controlled environment. Recently, nonlocal self-similarity (NSS) based method is used for fabric defect detection. This method achieves good defect detection performance for small defects with uneven illumination, the disadvantage of NNS based method is poor for detecting linear defects. Based on this reason, we improve NSS based defect detection More >

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