Haiyang Zhang1,*, Qian He1, Xiaoning Lu1, A. Pizzi2,3, Changtong Mei1, Xianxu Zhan4
Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.6, No.5, pp. 450-456, 2018, DOI:10.7569/JRM.2017.634180
Abstract Double cantilever beam tests were used to measure the energy release rates of linear vibrational welded moso bamboo joints. The influence of the length of the preserved cracks, the different combinations of the inner and outer bamboo surfaces and the moisture content is studied herein. The experimental compliance method, which is based on linear elastic fracture mechanics and has been shown to be an ideal method, was used to analyze data with the power equation. The results show that the preserved initial crack length does not have a significant effect on the final measured energy More >