Ting Qu, Bo Wang, Hequn Min*
Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.11, No.9, pp. 3433-3446, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2023.027136
- 20 July 2023
Abstract With the growing global environmental awareness, the development of renewable and green materials has gained
increased worldwide interest to substitute conventional materials and are favorable for sustainable economic
development. This paper proposed a novel eco-friendly sound absorbing structure (NSAS) liner for noise reduction in elevator shafts. The base layer integrated with the shaft walls is a damping gypsum mortarboard, and a
rock wool board and a perforated cement mortarboard are used to compose the NSAS. Based on the acoustic
impedance theory of porous materials and perforated panels, the sound absorption theory of the NSAS was… More >