Yinghang Jiang1, Qi Liu2,3,*, Williams Dannah1, Dandan Jin2, Xiaodong Liu3, Mingxu Sun4,*
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.62, No.2, pp. 713-729, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.04604
Abstract Hadoop is a well-known parallel computing system for distributed computing
and large-scale data processes. “Straggling” tasks, however, have a serious impact on task
allocation and scheduling in a Hadoop system. Speculative Execution (SE) is an efficient
method of processing “Straggling” Tasks by monitoring real-time running status of tasks
and then selectively backing up “Stragglers” in another node to increase the chance to
complete the entire mission early. Present speculative execution strategies meet challenges
on misjudgement of “Straggling” tasks and improper selection of backup nodes, which
leads to inefficient implementation of speculative executive processes. This paper… More >