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    The Effect of Water and Salt Stress on Paspalum dilatatum, a Constituent of Pampas Natural Grasslands

    Claudia A. Porcelli1, Gerardo Rubio2, Flavio H. Gutiérrez Boem2, Raul S. Lavado2,*

    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.93, No.8, pp. 2009-2018, 2024, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2024.052874

    Abstract The effects of the salt stress on plant growth are usually increased by the water stress. We studied the impact of both stresses in simultaneous pulses of drought and salinity on Paspalum dilatatum. This forage species is native to South America, spread in grasslands in many tropical, subtropical, and temperate areas of the world, and very common in grasslands of the Flooding Pampas of Argentina. Mimicking what happens in nature. We compared a pot experiment, a non-stressed control against water stress for a month (midpoint between field capacity and wilting point), and two saline stresses (moderate,… More >

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