Ye Zhai1, *, Dongsheng Liu1, Celimuge Wu2, Rongrong She1
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.64, No.3, pp. 1999-2012, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.09950
- 30 June 2020
Abstract Reusing code fragments by copying and pasting them with or without minor
adaptation is a common activity in software development. As a result, software systems
often contain sections of code that are very similar, called code clones. Code clones are
beneficial in reducing software development costs and development risks. However,
recent studies have indicated some negative impacts as a result. In order to effectively
manage and utilize the clones, we design an approach for recommending refactoring
clones based on a Bayesian network. Firstly, clone codes are detected from the source
code. Secondly, the clones that More >