Díaz-Álvarez EA1,2, AP Rojas-Cortés1,2, E de la Barrera1
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.86, pp. 278-281, 2017, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2017.86.278
Abstract The epiphytic bromeliad Tillandsia makoyana was studied to assess the contribution of the environmental factors, water, temperature, and light, to the expression of the Crassulacean acid metabolism. In particular, nocturnal titratable acidity accumulation and maximum leaf temperature were measured in response to watering and incident light. Plants that were watered and exposed to direct sunlight had the highest nocturnal accumulation of titratable acidity (25.52 ± 0.34 H+/m2), while those without irrigation and shaded showed a 59% reduction in their titratable acidity. Our results illustrated a rapid response of the photosynthetic activity to water availability in Tillandsia makoyana, a More >