Ingrid Souza Vieira da Silva1, Natália Soares Prado1, Patrícia Gontijo de Melo2, Danilo Campion Arantes3, Mara Zeni Andrade4, Harumi Otaguro1, Daniel Pasquini1,*
Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 73-87, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2019.00042
Abstract In this work, nine different types of edible coating based on pectin, cellulose nanocrystals, glycerol, and essential oil of lemongrass were prepared and used to coat strawberries with a film formed directly on the surface of the coated fruit. The effects of the different edible coatings on refrigerated fruits in terms of weight loss, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, pH, and anthocyanin content was evaluated after 2 days, 4 days, 6 days, and 8 days of storage. Application of the edible coatings reduced the weight loss of the coated strawberries and the anthocyanin content. The More >