Yan Chena
, Qingxin Bab,*, Xuefang Lib
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.16, pp. 1-9, 2021, DOI:10.5098/hmt.16.18
Abstract The heat transfer of supercritical CO2/DME mixtures was modeled in this study for a mass ratio of 95/5 for cooling in horizontal helically coiled
tubes. The CO2/DME heat transfer coefficient was higher in the high-temperature zone than with pure CO2. The heat transfer of CO2/DME (95/5)
was predicted for various mass fluxes, heat fluxes and pressures. The CO2/DME heat transfer coefficient increased with the mass flux due to the
increased turbulent diffusion, and first increased but then decreased with the heat flux. The peak heat transfer coefficient of CO2/DME shifted toward
the high-temperature region as the operating pressure… More >