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Search Results (74)
  • Open Access


    Cartographier les communes à risque inondation en combinant trois procédures administratives en France hexagonale : apports et limites

    Auriane Chelle1,*, Johnny Douvinet1,2

    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.34, pp. 1-20, 2025, DOI:10.32604/rig.2024.054737 - 13 January 2025

    Abstract Cet article propose une analyse séparée puis combinée de trois procédures administratives qui servent de référence pour cartographier les communes à risque inondation en France hexagonale (i.e., les arrêtés de catastrophes naturelles (CatNat), les Dossiers Départementaux des Risques Majeurs (DDRM) et les Plans de Prévention du Risque Inondation (PPRi)). Deux questions sont posées : quels enseignements peut-on tirer de l’analyse de la couverture spatiale de chacune des procédures, et en les combinant, peut-on voir des effets de seuils ou des jeux d’échelle ? Si les arrêtés CatNat sont révélateurs d’une saisonnalité des inondations et d’une More > Graphic Abstract

    Cartographier les communes à risque inondation en combinant trois procédures administratives en France hexagonale : apports et limites

  • Open Access


    Fabrication and Static/Dynamic Characterisation of a Hydrogel Candidate for Artificial Human Cartilage

    Ray Rui Zhong Chong1, Yangbo Guo1,*, Andy Yew2, Kenon Chua2, Victor P.W. Shim1

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.31, No.3, pp. 1-1, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.011768

    Abstract Arthritis, caused by degeneration and wear of articular cartilage, affects millions of patients worldwide. It can result in chronic pain, swelling, stiffness, and significantly affect the mobility of patients. Hence, identifying a material as an artificial alternative to replace damaged cartilage is of great benefit. Hydrogel, because of its high water content and similarity with the extracellular matrix of cartilage, has been explored for potential use as artificial cartilage. In this investigation, Polyvinyl Alcohol-Polyethylene Oxide (PVA/PEG) hydrogel with similar mechanical properties to human articular cartilage (e.g. compressive modulus, stress-strain response) was fabricated using a freeze-thaw… More >

  • Open Access


    Cartographie Automatique et Comptage des Arbres Oliviers A Partir de L’Imagerie de Drone par Un Reseau de Neurones Covolutionnel

    Oumaima Ameslek1,*, Hafida Zahir2, Soukaina Mitro2, El Mostafa Bachaoui1

    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.33, pp. 321-340, 2024, DOI:10.32604/rig.2024.054838 - 03 September 2024

    Abstract L’agriculture de précision (AP) est une stratégie de gestion agricole fondée sur l’observation, la mesure et la réponse à la variabilité des cultures inter/intra-champ. Il comprend des avancées en matière de collecte, d’analyse et de gestion des données, ainsi que des développements technologiques en matière de stockage et de récupération de données, de positionnement précis, de surveillance des rendements et de télédétection. Cette dernière offre une résolution spatiale, spectrale et temporelle sans précédent, mais peut également fournir des informations détaillées sur la hauteur de la végétation et diverses observations. Aujourd’hui, le succès des nouvelles technologies… More >

  • Open Access


    Cholic acid mitigates osteoarthritis by inhibiting the NF-κB/PERK/SIRT1 signaling pathway


    BIOCELL, Vol.48, No.7, pp. 1095-1104, 2024, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2024.028421 - 03 July 2024

    Abstract Introduction: Cholic acid (CA) is a natural steroid useful in treating chronic bronchitis and cholecystitis. On the other hand, its potential impact on osteoarthritis (OA) is unknown. Objective: Using an in vitro and in vivo osteoarthritis model, we sought to assess the chondroprotective properties of CA. Methods: We employed the Cell Counting Kit-8 to measure the impact of CA on chondrocyte activity to assess the toxicity of the cells. Multiple molecular biology experimental techniques were used to investigate potential signaling pathways that CA may use to prevent inflammation and give chondrocytes protection. Furthermore, how CA affects the OA… More >

  • Open Access


    Vers une transformation géométrique géocentrique des espaces urbains : la ville vue à partir du ou des centre(s)

    Cyril Enault*

    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.33, pp. 77-92, 2024, DOI:10.32604/rig.2024.046591 - 18 April 2024

    Abstract La théorie égocentrée est aujourd’hui bien connue des éthologues et des psychologues mais moins diffusée chez les géographes car elle reste encore à l’état de théorie abstraite. Ce papier se propose dans un premier temps de rendre opérationnel cette approche dans le cadre de travaux géographiques à l’échelle de l’individu. Puis, elle envisage d’établir le lien entre l’échelle individu et l’échelle de la ville avec comme objectif de produire des cartes déformées de la ville. More > Graphic Abstract

    Vers une transformation géométrique géocentrique des espaces urbains : la ville vue à partir du ou des centre(s)

  • Open Access


    Intelligent Sensing and Control of Road Construction Robot Scenes Based on Road Construction

    Zhongping Chen, Weigong Zhang*

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.18, No.2, pp. 111-124, 2024, DOI:10.32604/sdhm.2023.043563 - 22 March 2024

    Abstract Automatic control technology is the basis of road robot improvement, according to the characteristics of construction equipment and functions, the research will be input type perception from positioning acquisition, real-world monitoring, the process will use RTK-GNSS positional perception technology, by projecting the left side of the earth from Gauss-Krueger projection method, and then carry out the Cartesian conversion based on the characteristics of drawing; steering control system is the core of the electric drive unmanned module, on the basis of the analysis of the composition of the steering system of unmanned engineering vehicles, the steering… More >

  • Open Access


    Geometric Morphometrics Applied to Cartography

    Frédéric Roulier*

    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.32, pp. 17-37, 2023, DOI:10.32604/RIG.2023.045458 - 12 December 2023

    Abstract The morphological differences between two geographical maps can be highlighted by a polycentric distance cartogram resulting from a bidimensional regression. Beyond the communicational interest of the transformations thus produced, the method makes it possible to reveal the differences in structure and therefore constitutes a real research tool. However, bidimensional regression can only compare the shape of two maps. Since the 1990s, geometric morphometrics has revolutionized the morphological analysis of natural structures (and others). It has since been applied in many fields of research but not in cartography. This article describes the theoretical and methodological bases More > Graphic Abstract

    Geometric Morphometrics Applied to Cartography

  • Open Access


    An Overview of Modern Cartographic Trends Aligned with the ICA’s Perspective

    Maan Habib1,*, Maan Okayli2

    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.32, pp. 1-16, 2023, DOI:10.32604/rig.2023.043399 - 30 September 2023

    Abstract This study provides a comprehensive overview of modern cartography innovations and emerging trends, highlighting the importance of geospatial representation in various fields. It discusses recent advancements in geospatial data collection techniques, including satellite and aerial imagery, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology, and crowdsourcing. The research also investigates the integration of big data, machine learning, and real-time processing in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), as well as advances in geospatial visualization. In addition, it examines the role of cartography in addressing global challenges such as climate change, disaster management, and urban planning in line with the More >

  • Open Access


    ECGAN: Translate Real World to Cartoon Style Using Enhanced Cartoon Generative Adversarial Network

    Yixin Tang*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.76, No.1, pp. 1195-1212, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.039182 - 08 June 2023

    Abstract Visual illustration transformation from real-world to cartoon images is one of the famous and challenging tasks in computer vision. Image-to-image translation from real-world to cartoon domains poses issues such as a lack of paired training samples, lack of good image translation, low feature extraction from the previous domain images, and lack of high-quality image translation from the traditional generator algorithms. To solve the above-mentioned issues, paired independent model, high-quality dataset, Bayesian-based feature extractor, and an improved generator must be proposed. In this study, we propose a high-quality dataset to reduce the effect of paired training… More >

  • Open Access


    RMCARTAM For DDoS Attack Mitigation in SDN Using Machine Learning

    M. Revathi, V. V. Ramalingam*, B. Amutha

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.45, No.3, pp. 3023-3036, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.033600 - 21 December 2022

    Abstract The impact of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Software Defined Networks (SDN) is briefly analyzed. Many approaches to detecting DDoS attacks exist, varying on the feature being considered and the method used. Still, the methods have a deficiency in the performance of detecting DDoS attacks and mitigating them. To improve the performance of SDN, an efficient Real-time Multi-Constrained Adaptive Replication and Traffic Approximation Model (RMCARTAM) is sketched in this article. The RMCARTAM considers different parameters or constraints in running different controllers responsible for handling incoming packets. The model is designed with multiple… More >

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