Pooja Dhiman1, Santosh Kumar Henge1, Sartaj Singh1, Avinash Kaur2, Parminder Singh2,3, Mustapha Hadabou3,*
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.74, No.2, pp. 3297-3313, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.030558
- 31 October 2022
Abstract This research paper puts emphasis on using cloud computing with Blockchain (BC) to improve the security and privacy in a cloud. The security of data is not guaranteed as there is always a risk of leakage of users’ data. Blockchain can be used in a multi-tenant cloud environment (MTCE) to improve the security of data, as it is a decentralized approach. Data is saved in unaltered form. Also, Blockchain is not owned by a single organization. The encryption process can be done using a Homomorphic encryption (HE) algorithm along with hashing technique, hereby allowing computations… More >