Pedro Fong*1,
Cheng N. Ao*†1,
Kai I. Tou*, Ka M. Huang*, Chi C. Cheong*, Li R. Meng*
Oncology Research, Vol.27, No.2, pp. 237-251, 2019, DOI:10.3727/096504018X15235274183790
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the inhibition effects of cordycepin and its derivatives on endometrial
cancer cell growth. Cytotoxicity MTT assays, clonogenic assays, and flow cytometry were used to observe
the effects on apoptosis and regulation of the cell cycle of Ishikawa cells under various concentrations of
cordycepin, cisplatin, and combinations of the two. Validated in silico docking simulations were performed
on 31 cordycepin derivatives against adenosine deaminase (ADA) to predict their binding affinities and hence
their potential tendency to be metabolized by ADA. Cordycepin has a significant dose-dependent inhibitory
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