Mohammad UBAIDILLAH1,2, Miswar FAPERTA1,2, Kyung-Min KIM1
BIOCELL, Vol.43, No.3, pp. 215-224, 2019, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2019.07549
Abstract Abiotic stresses, such as drought and salinity, adversely affect plant growth and productivity. Comparison
between non transgenic and transgenic rice harboring CaMsrB2 gene, which induces tolerance to abiotic stress, is
important to observe response of gene under abiotic stress. Phytohormone showed a tendency to increase under
the drought stress or salinity stress in the transgenic plant. RT-PCR analysis showed that gene expression and
phytohormone levels under abiotic stress, to be closely related. The CaMsrB2 gene is related to the expression of JA and
ABA hormones. Therefore, the level of expression of these genes and hormones was More >