Morales-Nieto CR1, C Avendaño-Arrazate2, A Melgoza-Castillo1, M Martinez-Salvador3, P Jurado-Guerra4
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.84, No.1, pp. 190-200, 2015, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2015.84.190
Abstract Plains bristlegrass (Setaria macrostachya Kunth) is a native grass with forage value. However, due to the lack of grazing management practices, populations and thus genetic diversity, have been reduced. Morphological and genetic variability were analyzed on 44 populations of plains bristlegrass in the State of Chihuahua. Plants were transplanted in a common area under natural conditions. Two years later, morphological characterization was evaluated measuring nine variables, and genetic variability using AFLP molecular markers. The principal components analysis (PC) showed that the three first principal components explained 73.74% of the variation. The variables with the greatest contribution… More >