M. El-Bayoumia,†, A. M. Abouel-Fotouha, Amal El Berrya
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.20, pp. 1-6, 2023, DOI:10.5098/hmt.20.8
Abstract Ram pumps employ renewable energy in the form of water head to pump water, but they have performance issues that require difficult on-site testing
and tuning, hence limiting their application. The current research developed a low-cost lab-scale testing system for small ram pumps’ performance
evaluation, tuning and leak testing. The developed system is made from available, low-cost, sensors and components. It conserves test water by
setting the supply head through continuous circulation of water. The system was tested on a low-cost small sized ram pump, specially built using
plumbing components. Test results demonstrated the capacity More >