Sánchez E1, G Ávila-Quezada1, AA Gardea1, E Muñoz1, JM Ruiz2, L Romero2
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.78, pp. 11-16, 2009, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2009.78.011
Abstract The objective of this work was to determine the effect of different P doses on nitrogen assimilation in roots and leaves of green beans plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Strike). Phosphorus was applied in the nutrient solution as H3PO4, at the nutrient doses of: P1 = 0.40 mM; P2 = 0.80 mM; P3 = 1.60 mM; P4 = 3.20 mM; P5 = 4.80 mM, and P6 = 6.40 mM P. Our results indicate that both P toxicity and deficiency gave similar responses to N assimilation. Phosphorus and NO3 - interacted on the absorption and translocation processes affecting More >