Albio D. Gutierreza,*, Hayri Sezerb, Jose L. Ramirezc
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.18, pp. 1-12, 2022, DOI:10.5098/hmt.18.4
Abstract This paper presents a computational model along with a thermal comfort criterion aimed at assisting the design of operating rooms (ORs) from the
perspective of meeting suitable flow patterns and thermal comfort conditions for the occupants. The computational model is based on the finite
volume method (FVM) to describe the air inside ORs along with the human thermoregulation model implemented in virtual mannequins for thermal
comfort. The air model considers turbulent fluid motion, species transport and the conservation of energy, including thermal radiation. The human
thermoregulation model incorporates two interacting systems of thermoregulation. Namely, the… More >