Mohammad Izadifara,b,*
, Jane Alcornc
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.3, No.3, pp. 1-7, 2012, DOI:10.5098/hmt.v3.3.3005
Abstract Applying local volume averaging method a mathematical model including liver porosity, tortuosity, permeability, unbound drug fraction, drugplasma diffusivity, axial/radial dispersion and hepatocellular metabolism parameters was developed for hepatic drug elimination. The model was
numerically solved using implicit finite difference method to describe drug concentration gradient with time across the liver. Statistically validated by
observations and other models, the model suggested axial dispersion as a significant variable in drug distribution across the liver. Sensitivity analyses
revealed that lower liver porosity resulted in faster drug distribution across the liver, and bioavailability was sensitive to the interaction between More >