Nazia Afrina, Yijin Maoa, Yuwen Zhanga,*, J. K. Chena, Robin Ritterb, Alan Lampsonb, Jonathan Stohsc
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.7, pp. 1-8, 2016, DOI:10.5098/hmt.7.7
Abstract A three-dimensional numerical simulation is conducted for a complex process in a laser-material system, which involves heat and mass transfer in a
compressible gaseous phase and chemical reaction during laser irradiation on a urethane paint coated on a stainless steel substrate. A finite volume
method (FVM) with a co-located grid mesh that discretizes the entire computational domain is employed to simulate the heating process. The results
show that when the top surface of the paint reaches a threshold temperature of 560 K, the polyurethane starts to decompose through chemical reaction.
As a result, combustion products CO2, More >