Alexandre Vaudreya,*, Philippe Baucourb, François Lanzettab, Raynal Glisesb
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.3, No.3, pp. 1-8, 2012, DOI:10.5098/hmt.v3.3.3001
Abstract Producing electrical work in consuming chemical energy, the fuel cell (FC) is forced by the 2nd law to reject heat to its surrounding. However, as it
occurs for any other type of engine, this thermal energy cannot be exchanged in an isothermal way in finite time or through finite areas. As it was
already done for various types of systems, including chemical engines, the fuel cell is here studied within the finite time thermodynamics framework.
An endoreversible fuel cell is then defined, internally reversible but producing entropy during heat exchanges with its ambiance. Considering usual
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