Open Access
Bacterial Inoculation and Co-Inoculation Improves Durum Wheat Productivity in Alkaline Calcareous Soils
1 Laboratoire de Biologie et Physiologie des Organismes, Faculté des Sciences Biologiques, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, Bab Ezzouar, Alger, 16111, Algérie
2 Department of Nature and Life Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Medea, Medea, 26000, Algeria
3 Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Zones Arides, USTHB/ENSA, Alger, 16111, Algeria
4 Biophysical Environment Station, Center for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions, Touggourt, 30240, Algeria
5 Department of Silviculture, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Na Olivě 550, Opočno, 51773, Czech Republic
6 Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Vehari Campus, Vehari, 61100, Pakistan
7 Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Crop Production Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Pakistan
8 Department of Math and Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, Pole Urban Ouzera, University of Medea, Medea, 26000, Algeria
9 Department of Plant Production, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, 11451, Saudi Arabia
10 Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Messina, Polo Universitario dell’Annunziata, Messina, 98168, Italy
* Corresponding Authors: Jakub Černý. Email: ; Aftab Jamal. Email: