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Analysis of Growth and Productivity of Green Chickpea Using Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization

Maricela Apáez-Barrios1, José Alberto Salvador Escalante-Estrada2, Patricio Apáez-Barrios1,*, Yurixhi Atenea Raya-Montaño3, Juan Carlos Álvarez-Hernández1

1 Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias-Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Apatzingán, 60670, México
2 Colegio de Postgraduados-Campus Montecillo, Texcoco, 56230, México
3 Facultad de Agrobiología “Presidente Juárez”, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Uruapan, 60190, México

* Corresponding Author: Patricio Apáez-Barrios. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Plant Physiology for Crop Production and Sustainable Agriculture)

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2021, 90(4), 1193-1203.


Chickpea contains high levels of protein, vitamins and minerals. Acceptable chickpea yield is the result of meeting nitrogen and phosphorus requirements. The effect of appropriately meeting such requirements reflects on growth and can easily be evaluated using growth analysis. This research determined: (a) The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on phenology, net assimilation rate, number of green leaves, leaf area, leaf area index and leaf area duration; (b) Green chickpea yield and number of pods due to fertilization; and (c) The combination of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization that yields the most net revenue. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization was evaluated; each at the doses of 0, 75 and 150 kg ha–1 (N0, N75, N150; P0, P75 and P150, respectively). The combination of the levels of both nutrients generated nine combinations of treatments which were distributed in the field in a randomized complete block design in an arrangement of divided plots with four repetitions. Timing of phenological phases were similar among treatments. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization increased number of leaves, leaf area index, and leaf area duration that translated into increased green chickpea yield (GCY). Combinations N150-P75 and N150-P150 produced the highest GCY. The highest net revenue and revenue per peso invested was obtained with N150-P75.


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APA Style
Apáez-Barrios, M., Escalante-Estrada, J.A.S., Apáez-Barrios, P., Raya-Montaño, Y.A., Álvarez-Hernández, J.C. (2021). Analysis of growth and productivity of green chickpea using nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 90(4), 1193–1203.
Vancouver Style
Apáez-Barrios M, Escalante-Estrada JAS, Apáez-Barrios P, Raya-Montaño YA, Álvarez-Hernández JC. Analysis of growth and productivity of green chickpea using nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Phyton-Int J Exp Bot. 2021;90(4):1193–1203.
IEEE Style
M. Apáez-Barrios, J. A. S. Escalante-Estrada, P. Apáez-Barrios, Y. A. Raya-Montaño, and J. C. Álvarez-Hernández, “Analysis of Growth and Productivity of Green Chickpea Using Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization,” Phyton-Int. J. Exp. Bot., vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 1193–1203, 2021.

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