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Seed morphology, presence of areoles and water entry at imbibition of Vicia dasycarpa Ten. cv. Tolse F.C.A
1 Departamento Fundamentación Biológica, Botánica Morfológica. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Ing. Agr. Félix Aldo Marrone 746, Ciudad Universitaria, C.C. 509, 5000, Córdoba, Argentina.
2 Cátedra de Botánica. Laboratorio Estación de Biología Sierras, FAUBA.
* Corresponding Author:Address Correspondence to: Patricia Perissé, e-mail:
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2015, 84(1), 184-189.
The morphological characteristics of the seeds of Vicia dasycarpa Ten. cv. Tolse FCA were studied in relation to the area of imbibition water entry and were considered the presence of areoles. Seeds were analyzed using a stereo, optical and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The determination of the initial water entry area was carried out by immersing the seeds in a solution of tetrazolium (1%). This study showed that this species has seeds with a halo framing the hilum, an inconspicuous dry aril and a deltoid micropyle. The seedcoat pattern is papillose. The tracheid bar is surrounded by a ring of parenchymatous cells, and the tracheids show slight warty and non-vestured pits. It was confirmed the presence of an endospermic radicle pocket that surrounds and protect the radical tip. Two pairs of cotyledonar areoles were identified. It was established that the entry of water during imbibition starts in the area of the lens -having cracks- and moves in the sagittal plane. Both citological characteristic of tracheid bar and areoles presence show an apomorfous state between the Papiplionoids.Keywords
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