Open Access
Mnesithea selloana: morphology of sinflorescence, maturity and caryopsis quality
Botánica Morfológica. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Ruta Prov. 11 km 10,5 Oro Verde, Depto. Paraná, Entre Ríos, República Argentina.
* Corresponding Author:Address Correspondence to: Dr. Alberto A. Galussi. Tel.: +54 343 4975075 – Int. 141; fax +54 343 4975096; e-mail:
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2012, 81(all), 255-260.
Mnesithea selloana (known as cola de largarto, teyú ruguay) is a spring-summer-fall species that flowers and fructifies in that period; it has good forage quality, and it is in danger of extinction in the natural grasslands at the study region. The objectives of this work were to study the sinflorescence morphology, and the maturity and quality of the caryopsis to know its reproductive aspects in relation to the dissemination of this especies in grazing areas. The sinflorescence was studied in two plants during a period of 45 days, between October and December 2010, within an experimental field of the UNER FCA. Growth of clusters and their disseminules were observed. Time of dehiscence, humidity, weight and germination of caryopsis were determined. Sinflorescence was constituted by a main axis ending in a spiciform raceme (flowering unit), and by lateral axis (paraclades of the trophotagma) which repeated the main axis structure. The resulting sinflorescence has a panicle appearance. Both plants produced 25 to 39 inflorescences with an average of 9 to 10 racemes, resulting in a total of 254 to 272 racemes per plant, respectively. Thirty to 35 disseminules were produced per raceme with two disarticulated spikelets as they matured. Maturity of disseminules in the racemes was at the base. We found 40% to 50% of disseminules with caryopsis presenting 32% humidity once disarticulated. Germination produced up to 50% of normal seedlings. Our studies made it possible to establish strategies to favor species dispersion through seeds in grazing areas.Keywords
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