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Intraspecific variability and nitrogen effects on dry fruit yield in Karwinskia parvifolia Rose

Luján-Rangel R1, E Olivares-Sáenz2, RE Vázquez-Alvarado2, L Garza-Ocañas1, O Torres-Alanís1(†), HJ Garza-Ulloa1

Departamento de Farmacología y Toxicología, Facultad de Medicina, U. A. N. L., Av. Gonzalitos 235 Norte, Monterrey, N. L., C. P. 64460. México.
Subdirección de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Facultad de Agronomía, U.A.N.L., Carr. Zuazua-Marín, Km. 17.5, Marín, N. L. C.P. 66700. México.

* Corresponding Authors:Address Correspondence to: E. O livares-Sáenz, e-mail email; Rubén Luján-Rangel, e-mail email, email

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2012, 81(all), 247-253.


Karwinskia parvifolia Rose synthesizes a toxin (PA1), which might be used to treat some types of tumors. Variability from 16 plants of K. parvifolia and the effect of nitrogen was evaluated on its dry fruit yield. The experiment was carried out using a crossover design, two treatment sequences and two production cycles. Collected data were: dry fruit yield (DFY), dry fruit weight (DFW) and dry endocarp weight (DWE) per plant. During Cycle 1, the group of plants that received additional nitrogen (CN) produced higher yields than the group that received no additional nitrogen (SN). Ratios of CN/SN were 1.68 (DFY), 1.43 (DFW) and 1.18 (DWE). In Cycle 2, we obtained reversed values: ratios of CN/SN were 0.85 (DFY), 0.82 (DFW) and 0.87 (DWE). In both production cycles, yields were greater in the CN-SN than in the SN-CN sequences. Analysis of variance showed statistically significant effects of plants and production cycles on DFY, DFW and DWE. These results indicate the existence of variability among plants for fruit yield in the study species.


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APA Style
R, L., Olivares-Sáenz, E., Vázquez-Alvarado, R., Garza-Ocañas, L., Torres-Alanís, O. et al. (2012). Intraspecific variability and nitrogen effects on dry fruit yield in karwinskia parvifolia rose. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 81(all), 247–253.
Vancouver Style
R L, Olivares-Sáenz E, Vázquez-Alvarado R, Garza-Ocañas L, Torres-Alanís O, Garza-Ulloa H. Intraspecific variability and nitrogen effects on dry fruit yield in karwinskia parvifolia rose. Phyton-Int J Exp Bot. 2012;81(all):247–253.
IEEE Style
L. R, E. Olivares-Sáenz, R. Vázquez-Alvarado, L. Garza-Ocañas, O. Torres-Alanís, and H. Garza-Ulloa, “Intraspecific variability and nitrogen effects on dry fruit yield in Karwinskia parvifolia Rose,” Phyton-Int. J. Exp. Bot., vol. 81, no. all, pp. 247–253, 2012.

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