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Seedling growth response of Seriphidium quettense to water stress and non-water stress conditions

Ahmad1 S, S Gul2, AKK Achakzai2, M Islam1

Ar id Zone Research Centre, Pakistan Agr icultual Research Council Q uetta, Pakistan.
Depar tment of Botany University of Balochistan, Q uetta, Pakistan.

* Corresponding Author:Address Correspondence to: Dr. AKK Achakzai, Depar tment of Botany University of Balochistan, Q uetta, Pakistan. e-mail: email

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2010, 79(all), 19-23.


Seedling growth and development of Seriphidium quettense were examined under water stress (WS) and non-water stress (NWS) conditions. Seedlings were grown in pots to investigate their response to NWS conditions. Impact of WS on seedling growth was assessed in pre-existing plants grown under a semi-arid, natural environment. Seedling growth attributes were recorded on a monthly basis. Seedling growth exhibited a significant positive response under NWS conditions. Length of the main root axis at the first leaf emergence stage was 5.69 cm under NWS conditions; however, it was 4.8 cm in the natural environment (WS). At the end of the growing season, length of their primary root was 118 cm in NWS conditions. At the same time, it reached 8.8 cm in the WS natural environment. Lateral roots emerged from 2.09 cm of the main root axis, and a high lateral root density was found in the 2-10 cm region. The average lateral root length of NWS plants by the end of the first growing season was 33.07 cm, whereas in the WS environment it was 21 cm. Shoot length was 0.34 and 27.4 cm at the beginning and end of the growing season, respectively, under NWS conditions. In the natural WS environment, shoot length was 0.78 and 21 cm at the beginning and end of the same growing season, respectively. Under NWS conditions, seedlings remained green all year round, and 41% of the seedlings reached their physiological maturity. Mean values for number of panicles/plant, panicle length, number of floral branches/panicle, length of floral branches, number of florets/capitulum, and number of seeds/capitulum were 3.6, 16.77 cm, 43.7, 5.46 cm, 3.89, and 1.12, respectively, on seedlings which reached reproductive maturity. However, seedlings didn’t exhibit a similar response in the natural WS environment. Our results support that Seriphidium quettense has a substantial potential for establishment and population propagation if supplemental water is provided during their first year of growth.


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APA Style
S, A., Gul, S., Achakzai, A., Islam, M. (2010). Seedling growth response of seriphidium quettense to water stress and non-water stress conditions. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 79(all), 19–23.
Vancouver Style
S A, Gul S, Achakzai A, Islam M. Seedling growth response of seriphidium quettense to water stress and non-water stress conditions. Phyton-Int J Exp Bot. 2010;79(all):19–23.
IEEE Style
A. S, S. Gul, A. Achakzai, and M. Islam, “Seedling growth response of Seriphidium quettense to water stress and non-water stress conditions,” Phyton-Int. J. Exp. Bot., vol. 79, no. all, pp. 19–23, 2010.

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