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Relative susceptibility to blackpoint in durum wheat varieties of Argentina
Departamento de Agronomía, UNSur, Altos del Palihue - 8000. Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida (CERZOS). Camino de la Carrindanga, km 7 CP (B8000FWB) Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
Dirección para correspondencia: Ing. Agr. Marta Miravalles, e-mail:; fax 054-0291-4595127; Teléfono: 054-0291- 4595102 Interno 4386
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2008, 77(all), 263-273.
Blackpoint incidence was assessed on grain from six durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) varieties grown during crop season 2004-05 at four sites, in the traditional durum wheat growing region of Argentina. Broad differences in grain discolouration were detected among sites and varieties, together with significant variety x site interactions. Among varieties, those with lower thousand grain weight and higher widthto- length ratio (proportionally shorter grains) showed less susceptibility to this disease than heavy/large grain varieties. Differences among sites in the levels of blackpoint incidence were also related to the physical attributes of grains revealing the strong influence of the environment on the occurrence of this defect. Some varieties performed inconsistently among sites, showing the need of further research involving more years of study, previous to advising of selected varieties to be grown in specific regions.Keywords
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