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Genetic and resistance stability to Black Sigatoka disease during micropopagation of Musa CIEN BTA-03 somaclonal variant
1 Laboratorio de Biotecnología Vegetal, Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. La Universidad del Zulia, Edificio A1, apartado 526, Maracaibo. Estado Zulia. Venezuela. Phone: 58-7635912, Fax: 58-261-7598099. e-mail:
2 Laboratorio de Biotecnología Vegetal, Centro de Botánica Tropical, Instituto de Biología Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Calle Suapure. Colinas de Bello Monte. Caracas 1041 A, Venezuela.
3 EXPERTA. Instituto de Agronomía, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay. Estado Aragua. Venezuela.
Address Correspondence to: Eva de García. Phone: +58 212 7510111 Ext 238 y 239. Fax: +58 212 7535897. e-mail:;
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2008, 77(all), 65-79.
Evaluation of clonal micropropagation and phenotype stability of elite somaclones are critical steps for development of new varieties. In the present work somaclon variant CIEN BTA-03 (resistant to Black Sigatoka), obtained through in vitro process from cultivar Williams (susceptible to Black Sigatoka), was micropropagated via apical shoot culture for five multiplication cycles in 0.5 mg/l of benzyl-aminopurine (BA). To verify the genetic stability of the progeny of this elite material, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used. A total of 5,292 monomorphic bands were obtained from the amplification of fifty six DNA samples (extracted from vitroplants randomly selected) with 10 different primer combinations. Non-polymorphic RAPD bands were found in this assay. Additionally, six plants of CIEN BTA-03 produced in the fifth cycle of micropropagation and the same number of plants from cultivars Pisang Mas, Williams and Yagambi Km5, were tested in the field to evaluate their response to Black Sigatoka disease. The clonally micropropagated CIEN BTA-03 plants preserved the Black Sigatoka resistance phenotype.Keywords
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