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Water quality in the basin of the Amajac river, Hidalgo, Mexico: Diagnosis and prediction

by Amado Alvarez1, Enrique Rubiños Panta1, Francisco Gavi Reyes1, Juan José Alarcón Cabañero2, Elizabeth Hernández Acosta3, Carlos Ramírez Ayala1, Enrique Mejía Saenz1, Francisco Pedrero Salcedo2, Emilio Nicolas Nicolas2, Enrique Salazar Sosa4

Colegio de Postgraduados de Montecillo, Carretera México –Texcoco, km 36.5, Texcoco 56230, Estado de México.
CEBAS-CSIC. Apdo. 164, 30100 Espinardo, Murcia, España
UACH. Área de Recursos Naturales. Chapingo, Texcoco, Estado de México
Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
Se agradece al CONACYT y al Gobierno del Estado de Hidalgo, por el apoyo económico brindado para la realización del presente estudio.

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2006, 75(all), 71-83.


A water quality index as a standardized method to compare the category in an integral way, between locations and through time, of the different water, river and stream storages of the Amajac river basin was developed. In addition, it is possible to predict the degree of contamination and establish planning strategies in the management of the water resources for the river basin in issue. The used methodology was based in the quantitative expression of water quality. Three samplings were made (2005-2006) and Dissolved Oxygen, Coliform in feaces, pH, Oxygen Biochemical Demand, Nitrates, Total Phosphorus, Turbidity and Dissolved Total Solids were determined. To predict integral water quality (IWQ), a multiple regression analysis between IWQ and the eight parameters was made. Later on, behavior patterns were identified and mathematical models were developed for each variable. Results indicate that water quality for urban, the drinking water, fishtank and agricultural uses was of medium quality (WQI= 50-69) in 29% of the sampling sites within the hydrologic basin of the Amajac River. At the same time, 59% of the locations were of bad quality (IWQ = 30-49). Finally, 12% of the sites were highly contaminated (IWQ < 30). The best fit for the analyzed parameters was obtained with the cubic models.


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APA Style
Alvarez, A., Rubiños Panta, E., Gavi Reyes, F., José Alarcón Cabañero, J., Hernández Acosta, E. et al. (2006). Water quality in the basin of the amajac river, hidalgo, mexico: diagnosis and prediction. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 75(all), 71–83.
Vancouver Style
Alvarez A, Rubiños Panta E, Gavi Reyes F, José Alarcón Cabañero J, Hernández Acosta E, Ramírez Ayala C, et al. Water quality in the basin of the amajac river, hidalgo, mexico: diagnosis and prediction. Phyton-Int J Exp Bot. 2006;75(all):71–83.
IEEE Style
A. Alvarez et al., “Water quality in the basin of the Amajac river, Hidalgo, Mexico: Diagnosis and prediction,” Phyton-Int. J. Exp. Bot., vol. 75, no. all, pp. 71–83, 2006.

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