Special Issues

Plant Genetic Diversity and Evolution

Submission Deadline: 31 August 2025 View: 176 Submit to Special Issue

Guest Editors

Dr. Svetlana Goryunova

Email: svetlana.v.goryunova@gmail.com

Affiliation: 1 -Laboratory of Cell and Genomic Technologies, Russian Potato Research Center, Moscow Region,140051 Lyubertsy, Russia

2 - Laboratory of Plant Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, 119333 Moscow, Russia


Research Interests: plant genetic diversity and phylogeny


Prof. Aleksey Troitsky

Email: bobr@belosersky.msu.ru

Affiliation: Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia


Research Interests: plant molecular phylogenetics



The genetic diversity is underlining the adaptation and reflects the evolutionary history of living organisms. Despite the large amount of data of genetic diversity exploration acquired to date, our knowledge on this topic is still fragmentary and incomplete. Moreover, it is known that level of genetic diversity varies greatly among evolutionary lineages, therefore it is critical to study the genomes variability in different taxa to obtain its broad range representation. All this makes further studies extremely important. In general, plants demonstrate significant genetic diversity, which is a major factor of their evolutionary success. Understanding of genetic diversity and evolution has a great fundamental and applied impact. It is critical for biodiversity conservation and biobanking, crop improvement, and medicine as well as for development of other branches of biological science. Contemporary molecular and data analysis techniques are highly promising and provide the wide opportunities for extensive studying of genetic and genomic diversity at different levels and valuable data for robust phylogeny reconstructions. In addition, a huge amount of data collected using high-throughput techniques is a powerful driving force for developing new approaches and improving existing ones for studying evolution and phylogeny reconstructions. Achievements in next generation sequencing give the possibility to access genome-wide exploration of diversity and bring the OMICS technology to the evolutionary studies. Application of such approaches will shed light on the origin and evolution of living organisms and their adaptation to environmental conditions.

The Special Issue is designed to collect scientific papers on plant evolution, phylogeny and genetic diversity including variation within and between individuals, populations, and species. We welcome original research, review articles, and communications.

Scope of the Special Issue:

• Research on genetic and genomic diversity of plants

• Evolutionary process

• Molecular phylogenetics and phylogenomics

• Biogeography

• Development and implementation of modern methods for study of diversity, evolution and phylogeny reconstruction


genetic diversity, genomics, molecular phylogenetics, plant evolution

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    Chloroplast Genome Sequence Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Pyrola Atropurpurea Franch

    Wentao Sheng
    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2025.061424
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Plant Genetic Diversity and Evolution)
    Abstract Pyrola atropurpurea Franch is an important annual herbaceous plant. Few genomic analyses have been conducted on this plant, and chloroplast genome research will enrich its genomics basis. This study is based on high-throughput sequencing technology and Bioinformatics methods to obtain the sequence, structure, and other characteristics of the P. atropurpurea chloroplast genome. The result showed that the chloroplast genome of P. atropurpurea has a double-stranded circular structure with a total length of 172,535 bp and a typical four-segment structure. The genome has annotated a total of 132 functional genes, including 43 tRNAs, 8 rRNAs, 76 protein-coding genes, and… More >

  • Open Access


    Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of Calmodulin-Like Proteins in Tobacco

    Mengjie Xu, Anbin Wang, Tonghong Zuo, Hecui Zhang, Zhihao Hu, Liquan Zhu
    Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.94, No.1, pp. 157-179, 2025, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2025.060566
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Plant Genetic Diversity and Evolution)
    Abstract Calmodulin-like (CMLs) proteins are critical in calcium signaling and essential for plant growth, development, and stress responses. In many species, the CMLs families have been identified and described. However, the characterization and expression profiling of CMLs genes in tobacco is retrievable. In this study, a comprehensive whole-genome identification and analysis, and 75 NtCML genes were identified in tobacco, each containing two to four EF-hand domains. Most NtCML proteins exhibited conserved gene structures and motifs. Notably, most NtCML proteins were intron-less and distributed across 18 chromosomes. Two pairs of tandemly duplicated genes and seven pairs of segmentally More >

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