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Journal Overview

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany

ISSN: 0031-9457 (Print)

ISSN: 1851-5657 (Online)

Aims & Scope

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany is an international journal that publishes research on all aspects of plant science. This journal welcomes original and exciting submissions that provide new and key insights into the origins, and growth and development of plants from the molecular to the whole organism and its interactions with the biotic and abiotic environments.

The journal publishes outstanding research in the plant and ecology sciences, especially in the areas of plant physiology and biochemistry, plant metabolism, plant ecology and evolution, plant bioinformatics as well as horticultural plants, medicinal plants, environmental physiology of plants. Phyton IJEB’s target readership includes scientists, researchers, and graduate students involved in all basic and applied fields of plant science. Manuscripts submitted to this journal must not be under simultaneous consideration in any other kind of publication or have been published elsewhere, either in part or in a whole.

Article types
 Research articles

Full-length Research Articles present original findings with new and fundamental insights into the biological processes of plants and/or set out novel approaches, tools, or resources that will enable scientific progress. Research Articles typically include 6-10 figures and tables, <7000 words in the main text plus the abstract and 30-50 citations, and may include Supplemental Material.

 Research reports

Research Reports are a forum for new and original findings and/or methods that are highly focused, and challenge current approaches or thinking in the plant sciences. Like full-length Research Articles, a Research Report must address hypotheses about the origins, development, and/or functions of plants or substantially add to approaches, tools, and resources that enable scientific progress. Ideally, a Research Report should be <6 pages (<5000 words), including 2-4 tables and figures, and <30 citations.

 Letters to the editor

Letters are unsolicited and provide a forum for scientific correspondence on new research findings and ideas that are highly focused. The Letter format is limited to a maximum of three journal pages (<1000 words). Letter submissions are typically based on analysis of existing literature and/or limited experimentation. Letters should include no more than 2 figures and tables. Any supplemental experimental material must be directly related to these figures and tables. Letters will be considered subject to the extent to which thinking is challenged on topics of interest to the Journal. Letters should include a short title and salutation to the Editor ("Dear Sir," or "Dear Editor,"). Letters do not include an abstract. Instead, the main conclusion and its significance should be summarized in the first paragraph along with sufficient background for the reader to understand the context of the problem. Letters must not include separate sections for methods, results, or discussion, although these components of a Letter may be interwoven within the text and figure legends where necessary. Author names and affiliations should appear at the end of the text before the citations. As appropriate, a summary of author contributions should be included as supplemental material. Citations are limited to a maximum of 20.

 Breakthrough Technologies, Tools, and Resources

Breakthrough technologies, Tools, and Resources address the development and application of new experimental or theoretical methods, tools and resources that are frequently the key for new insights into physiological processes. This area provides a platform for developments in theoretical, analytical and experimental methodologies, and for enabling tools and resources that will be widely used in the plant research community. Such technologies, tools and resources are expected to go beyond incremental improvements to what currently exists and should enable major advances in addressing fundamental questions in plant physiology.

 Topical Reviews

Topical Reviews are usually invited and are intended to provide experts and non-experts alike with the conceptual and technical background behind the most important areas of research at the forefront of plant science. Topical Reviews should aim to present a novel view point that is nonetheless well-balanced and supported by existing literature. Authors should strive to include interpretive ideas, rather than merely a summary or catalogue of recent literature. Topical Reviews are normally limited to 8,000 words in the main body of the text, and may include figures and tables. In addition, Topical Reviews may include Boxes with figures, tables, and/or text that highlights particular topics and/or concepts or introduces outstanding questions and/or challenges in the field. All Reviews are subjected to peer review and held to the same standards of scholarship as research articles. A Review may be submitted without invitation, but may be declined without external peer review if found to be of insufficient interest by journal editors.

 News and Views

This section regularly includes short insights to accompanying articles of special interest to readers, providing additional background for the non-specialist. News and Views may be solicited by the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editor for Reviews, the Journal will consider unsolicited submissions. Potential authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief (Xiangyang Hu; huxiangyang@shu.edu.cn) before submission.

Publication Frequency



The journal is owned by Tech Science Press.


Open Access

All articles published will be Gold open access under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0), and are made freely and permanently accessible online from the date of publication. For further information, please refer to the Open Access Policy.


All journals published by TSP are archived in Portico, which provides permanent digital archiving for scholarly journals.

 Ethics Statement

Phyton follows the standards of ICMJE. TSP takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure adding the highest quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. TSP takes such publishing ethics issues very seriously on every level. Our staff are trained to identify and report any irregularities. Our editors proceed with a zero tolerance policy, to enforce COPE’s Core Practices and Guidelines and swiftly handle complex cases of plagiarism, data falsification, authorship credit, and the like.

Last updated: December 15, 2021

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