Open Access
Mir-1247 Affects the Proliferation, Invasion and Apoptosis of Osteosarcoma Cells through SOX9
1 Department of Orthopaedics, Jinan Zhangqiu District Hospital of TCM, Jinan, 250200, China
2 Department of Internal Medicine, Jinan Zhangqiu District Hospital of TCM, Jinan, 250200, China
3 Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Jinan Zhangqiu District Hospital of TCM, Jinan, 250200, China
* Corresponding Author: Lu Cao. Email:
Oncologie 2021, 23(1), 149-158.
Received 03 September 2020; Accepted 23 December 2020; Issue published 30 March 2021
Objective: This study aimed to explore the miR-1247-mediated promotion of osteosarcoma (OS) cell proliferation by SOX9. Methods: We recruited 97 OS patients admitted to our hospital (the observation group, OG) and 82 healthy people undergoing physical examinations (the control group, CG) over the same period into this study. The expression of miR-1247 and SOX9 in human OS cells in vitro was tested to determine the effect of miR-1247 and SOX9 on OS and to analyze the relationship between miR-1247 and SOX9. Results: We detected lowly expressed miR-1247 and highly expressed SOX9 in the peripheral blood of OS patients (P < 0.05). Both miR-1247 and SOX9 showed good performances in diagnosing OS. OS cells (143B cells) in the miR-1247-mimics group showed markedly lower cell proliferation and invasion rates and higher apoptosis rates than cells in the miR-1247-inhibitor group and the miR-NC group (P < 0.05). 143B cells in the sh-SOX9 group showed higher proliferation and invasion rates and lower apoptosis rates than cells in the si-SOX9 group and the NC group (P < 0.05). SOX9 protein concentrations were lower in cells in the miR-1247-mimics group than in cells in the miR-1247-inhibitor group and the miR-NC group (P < 0.05), with higher SOX9 protein concentrations in the miR-1247-inhibitor group than in the miR-NC group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: MiR-1247 is lowly expressed in OS. It can promote the proliferation and invasion of OS cells and accelerate the progression of OS by mediating SOX9.Keywords
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