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17 Apr 2019
With the blossom of Japanese Sakura, the 2019 International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES2019) was successfully held in Tokyo on Mar 25th - 28th, with a four-day schedule of lectures and symposia.
The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES) founded in 1986 by Prof. Satya N. Atluri involves highly skilled and reputable researchers from global academia, industry, and governments with expertise in computational and experimental engineering and sciences.
The ICCES2019 was held in the place where it started, Tokyo University of Science, with full of reminiscent. With the grand opening ceremony, ICCES2019 officially kicked off on Mar 25th.
During the four-day conference, 14 plenary lectures, 37 semi-plenary lectures, 15 keynote speeches, and 39 symposia were given. More than 500 scholars and experts from 28 different countries attended this event. The banquet on Mar 27th included the Awards Ceremony. Prof. Anurag Kumar of the Indian Institute of Science, received the Satya N. Atluri Award. Prof. Wen-Hwa Chen from National Tsing Hua University received the Wei-zang Chien Award. The recipient of the ICCES Eric Reissner Award is Prof. Wanlin Guo of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), and Prof. Kemao Qian of Nanyang Technological University received The Kobayashi Award.
During the banquet, information of the ICCES2020 was also announced. The ICCES2020 will be held in the wild beauty of Europe, Montenegro, at the end of April 2020.
Overall, ICCES2019 forged important international connections and knowledge for scholars all around the world, that will result in significant developments in the field of computational & experimental engineering and sciences.
Farewell ICCES2019, and meet us again at ICCES2020, Montenegro!