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11 Feb 2018
ICCES (International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences) was initially founded in 1986 as ICCM (International Conference on Computational Mechanics) by Professors Satya N Atluri and Genki Yagawa, to become a forum for then burgeoning discipline of Computational Mechanics. It was the first such international conference. It was held in 1986 at the Tokyo University of Science, under the leadership of the legendary academicians: Professor Hiroshi Miyamoto of Tokyo University of Science, his student Professor Masanori Kikuchi of the same university, and Professor Genki Yagawa of the University of Tokyo.
ICCM transformed in to ICCES at the 1991 conference held in Melbourne, Australia. The Silver Jubilee conference is being held in 2019, again at the Tokyo University of Science, by those who inherited the legacies of Professors Miyamoto, Yagawa, and Kikuchi: Professors Yoshimura, Okada, Iura, Kakuda, Kawai, and Shibahara.
Most transformational research-advances are made by researchers taking an inspired look at problems at the interfaces of multiple disciplines, outside their own well-defined disciplinary boundaries. With this aim, ICCES is broad based, multidisciplinary, and promotes basic as well as applied sciences and engineering. Papers are sought from all aspects: theoretical, analytical, computational, and experimental studies and solutions of problems in the physical sciences, chemical sciences, biological sciences, mechanical sciences, electrical sciences, and mathematical sciences, especially at the interfaces of these basic sciences and engineering.
To achieve these goals, we invite you to present your research, and possibly organize a Symposium that promotes the goals on ICCES.
There will be Plenary Lectures, Semi-Plenary Lectures, and Invited Lectures, which promote the overall objectives of ICCES, as well as contributed lectures in multiple disciplines.
We look forward to welcoming you to Tokyo University of Science in March 2019, during the Cherry Blossom Season.
For more information, please check the details at the website: http://www.iccesconf.org.