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Modeling Active Contraction and Relaxation of Left Ventricle Using Different Zero-load Diastole and Systole Geometries for Better Material Parameter Estimation and Stress/Strain Calculations

Longling Fan1,§, Jing Yao2,§, Chun Yang3, Di Xu2, Dalin Tang1,4*

Department of Mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China.
Department of Cardiology, First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China.
Network Technology Research Institute, China United Network Communications Co., Ltd., Beijing, 100048, China.
Mathematical Sciences Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA 01609 USA.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
* Corresponding author: Dalin Tang, e-mail: dtang@wpi.edu.

Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics 2016, 13(1), 33-55. https://doi.org/10.3970/mcb.2016.013.044


Modeling ventricle active contraction based on in vivo data is extremely challenging because of complex ventricle geometry, dynamic heart motion and active contraction where the reference geometry (zero-stress geometry) changes constantly. A new modeling approach using different diastole and systole zero-load geometries was introduced to handle the changing zero-load geometries for more accurate stress/strain calculations. Echo image data were acquired from 5 patients with infarction (Infarct Group) and 10 without (Non-Infarcted Group). Echo-based computational two-layer left ventricle models using one zero-load geometry (1G) and two zero-load geometries (2G) were constructed. Material parameter values in Mooney-Rivlin models were adjusted to match volume data. Effective Young’s moduli (YM) were calculated for easy comparison. For diastole phase, begin-filling (BF) mean YM value in the fiber direction (YMf) was 738%higher than its end-diastole (ED) value (645.39 kPa vs. 76.97 kPa, p=3.38E-06). For systole phase, end-systole (ES) YMf was 903% higher than its begin-ejection (BE) value (1025.10 kPa vs. 102.11 kPa, p=6.10E-05). Comparing systolic and diastolic material properties, ES YMf was 59% higher than its BF value (1025.10 kPa vs. 645.39 kPa. p=0.0002). BE mean stress value was 514% higher than its ED value (299.69 kPa vs. 48.81 kPa, p=3.39E-06), while BE mean strain value was 31.5% higher than its ED value (0.9417 vs. 0.7162, p=0.004). Similarly, ES mean stress value was 562% higher than its BF value (19.74 kPa vs. 2.98 kPa, p=6.22E-05), and ES mean strain value was 264% higher than its BF value (0.1985 vs. 0.0546, p=3.42E-06). 2G models improved over 1G model limitations and may provide better material parameter estimation and stress/strain calculations.


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APA Style
Fan, L., Yao, J., Yang, C., Xu, D., Tang, D. (2016). Modeling active contraction and relaxation of left ventricle using different zero-load diastole and systole geometries for better material parameter estimation and stress/strain calculations. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 13(1), 33–55. https://doi.org/10.3970/mcb.2016.013.044
Vancouver Style
Fan L, Yao J, Yang C, Xu D, Tang D. Modeling active contraction and relaxation of left ventricle using different zero-load diastole and systole geometries for better material parameter estimation and stress/strain calculations. Mol Cellular Biomechanics. 2016;13(1):33–55. https://doi.org/10.3970/mcb.2016.013.044
IEEE Style
L. Fan, J. Yao, C. Yang, D. Xu, and D. Tang, “Modeling Active Contraction and Relaxation of Left Ventricle Using Different Zero-load Diastole and Systole Geometries for Better Material Parameter Estimation and Stress/Strain Calculations,” Mol. Cellular Biomechanics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 33–55, 2016. https://doi.org/10.3970/mcb.2016.013.044

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