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Pyrolysis of Rice Husk in a Fluidized Bed Reactor: Evaluate the Characteristics of Fractional Bio-Oil and Particulate Emission of Carbonaceous Aerosol (CA)

Ning Li1,2, Weiming Yi1,2, Zhihe Li1,2,*, Lihong Wang1,2, Yongjun Li1,2, Xueyuan Bai1,2, Mei Jiang1,2

1 School of Agricultural Engineering and Food Science, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, 255000, China
2 Shandong Research Center of Engineering and Technology for Clean Energy, Zibo, 255000, China

* Corresponding Author: Zhihe Li. Email: email

Journal of Renewable Materials 2020, 8(3), 329-346.


Bio-oil production via pyrolysis is one of promising technologies for renewable energy production from bio-wastes. However, the complicated biooil is still a challenge for high-valued application and during biomass pyrolysis, the emission of non-cleaned aerosol, the potential emission, namely carbonaceous aerosol (CA) increased the difficulty of the commercial promotion. In this study, Rice husk pyrolysis was performed in a semi-continuous fluidized bed reactor coupled with fractional condensers. The effects of pyrolysis and condensation temperature on the properties of bio-oil and emission of CA were investigated systemically. Results indicated that the in-situ separation of vapors was accomplished via condensers of different temperatures (85°C and −10°C). The bio-oil with different physiochemical properties were obtained in the high content of phenols and lower acids of BO1 and high content of acids and better liquidity. The size distribution of CA was found primarily classified as sub-micrometer grade particles, which have a diameter of less than 1.1 μm. In particular, CA existed in three representative forms: bead, granular aggregate, and liquidoid. The results of light absorption of total organic carbon (TOC) and non-volatile organic carbon (NVOC) indicated that the absorption per mass increased in the single temperature with the decrement of wavelength and it improved as the pyrolysis temperature increased at the specified wavelength. The absorption per mass was to maximum value (3.7 m2 /g) at 360 nm wavelength and 600°C. TOC demonstrated a strong light absorption and a wide spectral range dependence (AAE: 5.08-10.05) which enhanced the light absorption in the ultra-violet and low-visible regions.


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APA Style
Li, N., Yi, W., Li, Z., Wang, L., Li, Y. et al. (2020). Pyrolysis of rice husk in a fluidized bed reactor: evaluate the characteristics of fractional bio-oil and particulate emission of carbonaceous aerosol (CA). Journal of Renewable Materials, 8(3), 329–346.
Vancouver Style
Li N, Yi W, Li Z, Wang L, Li Y, Bai X, et al. Pyrolysis of rice husk in a fluidized bed reactor: evaluate the characteristics of fractional bio-oil and particulate emission of carbonaceous aerosol (CA). J Renew Mater. 2020;8(3):329–346.
IEEE Style
N. Li et al., “Pyrolysis of Rice Husk in a Fluidized Bed Reactor: Evaluate the Characteristics of Fractional Bio-Oil and Particulate Emission of Carbonaceous Aerosol (CA),” J. Renew. Mater., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 329–346, 2020.


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